Tali Gallery was delighted to host a visit from KU Phoenix Preschool kids, staff and parents with another due on the 22nd May. Â We have also had visits from students of the Montessori School and the Rozelle Childcare Centre at Callan Park this month who will return to their sandpit to draw symbols in the sand and experiment with making waterhole and milky way patterns in water. Â We will be particularly active during Reconciliation Week as well as during NAIDOC Week in July.
We looked at paintings and photographs of the desert and learnt what life is like for Aboriginal people  who live traditionally. We looked at paintings and symbols and then we traced our footprints and sitting down marks and drew some tracks and animals. Learning about Honey Ants was a favourite topic!  Tali Gallery is committed to improving the lives of Indigenous people in Australia and connecting communities.  Tali Gallery has been endorsed as a teaching gallery by Aunty Faye,  Aboriginal Education Co-ordinator for numerous Sydney Schools and Aunty Margaret Campbell with whom we have been associated for many years.  Di also delivers courses through Sydney Community College and to special interest groups.

Preschool Visit to Tali Gallery