Presenting a body of valuable and collectible, limited edition Lithographs and Screen Prints from Kimberley Artists who were the pioneers of recounting stories of their country in artworks.  These fine art prints document Jaandoo (Wild Dog Dreaming), Hunting at Yardanggarim,

The artists include Rover (Roba) Thomas,  Paddy (Carlton) Gwambany/Malgbirr, Hector Googiny Jandany, Tommy Jallerri Bung Bung, Mignonette Jamin Jamin, Billy Gindargunder Thomas and Queenie (McKenzie) Gara Garag/Mingmarriya.

The language groups (and country) of the artists are Kukatja (Yalda Soak, Canning Stock Route WA), Gija (Derby, Texas Downs Station and Crocodile Hole, WA) and Gadjerrabeng (Bullo River, Lengune Station NT).

Please contact the Gallery for further details or come and see them!


Waringarri at Tali Gallery 1Waringarri at Tali Gallery 13 Waringarri at Tali Gallery 8 Waringarri at Tali Gallery 1Waringarri at Tali Gallery 5 Waringarri at Tali Gallery 6Waringarri at Tali Gallery 7 Waringarri at Tali Gallery 4Waringarri at Tali Gallery 9 Waringarri at Tali Gallery 10Waringarri at Tali Gallery 2Waringarri at Tali Gallery 11Waringarri at Tali Gallery 12